When to plant tomatoes

Tomatoes are the most anticipated and pampered of the garden vegetables.  People start calling our store in early February asking if we have tomatoes for sale yet.  Unfortunately, these eager gardeners are 6-7 weeks too early, and any tomatoes that are planted out before early-April will just tread water until the soil and the night time temperatures have warmed up to sufficient levels.  If you, like me, do decide to get a jump on your tomatoes and plant them in March, try planting smaller tomatoes like cherry’s or cool weather varieties, save the larger, beef steak varieties for warmer weather.  Plant tomatoes in a full sun area in your garden and allow the top two inches of soil to dry out between waterings.  When watering, put the hose on a slow trickle and water deeply over a 20-40 minute period.  Before planting, the soil can be prepared by adding one bucketful of compost, and 4 cups each of landscape mix and worm castings into the area that you are transplanting into.  We recommend some sort of support for each plant so that the fruits are kept off of the ground while they are ripening.  This can be anything from a tomato cage, to a fence to a homemade trellis of sticks.  You will have the greatest success with growing tomatoes if you put them into your garden between April 1st and August 15t .

Tomatoes have not evolved to grow in our coastal environment, and as such they are susceptible to a wide range of diseases, and viruses like powdery mildew, rust, black spot and verticilium and fusilarium wilts.   Eventually one or more of these diseases will overtake the plant and lead to its demise.  The best you can hope to do, is just delay the inevitable, as long as possible.   This is accomplished by proactively changing your cultural growing practices.  When watering, place your hose at the base of your tomato with the volume at a slow trickle, do not shoot, or beam the water at your plant from any sort of distance.  This will splash water onto the plants and possibly kick up soil borne diseases onto the leaves, where they will multiply and eventually take over your tomato.  Water early in the day, so that the plant is dry when the sun goes down, also, let the top two to three inches of soil dry out between waterings.  It is also advisable to layer your soil with an inch of mulch.  This will keep the soil cool during the heat of summer, help to keep the soil more evenly moist and make it harder for diseases to transfer from the soil to your plant.   Tomatoes fall into two categories: Determinant which produce the majority of their crop all at once and then die back and Indeterminant which will continue to produce new flowers and fruits for as long as the weather and diseases are cooperative.

Growing tips for squash

Squashes have similar characteristics and needs to cucumbers, melons and pumpkins.  They grow best in the warm months, like a compost rich soil and to be watered deeply.   Summer squashes like zucchini, crookneck and sunburst have the widest growing window and can be planted out between mid-march and early-September.  Winter squashes, so named because of their ability to be stored deep into the winter months, need more heat and are best when planted from mid-April through early-August.  Before transplanting, we recommend that you amend your garden bed by adding two heaping handfuls of compost and three cups each of landscape mix and worm castings.  Once transplanted, water your squash deeply using a slow trickle from your hose.   Allow the soil surface to dry out between applications.  Squash are extremely susceptible to powdery mildew and rust.  In fact, it is one of these viruses that will most likely lead to the inevitable downfall of your plant.

How to increase your spinach yield

Spinach likes to grow in a cool environment, with moist soil and a light dose of fertilizer.  In the cool months, plant out into a full sun location, during the warmer months, spinach does best when planted in a shady location.  During the heat of July, August and September, it may not be practical to grow spinach because it tends to taste bitter and will bolt quickly.  Spinach does not require heavy amounts of fertilizer, the plants can get by simply, by just adding one handful of compost and a quarter cup each of landscape mix and worm castings.  Harvesting the outer leaves as they mature, will lead to increased yields.

How to grow a large pumpkin

Pumpkins are large, rambling growers that need to be transplanted into your garden by mid-June if you are growing them for Halloween.   These plants are lovers of a rich, composted soil and do well when planted into the outskirts of a going compost pile, or into the zone that once had a compost pile on top of it.  If not using your compost pile as a site to grow your pumpkin, look for an area that will receive as much sun and heat as possible.  A southwest facing hillside is ideal.  Having found your location, you can prepare the soil by loosening a patch 2-3 feet wide and adding one bucketful of compost and 6 cups each of landscape mix and worm castings.  Thoroughly incorporate the ingredients into your soil and plant between two and four seedlings into this prepared area.  Build a moat around your plants and water them deeply, letting the soil surface dry out between waterings. As the plants grow, let them run out as far as they can, if you are growing pumpkins in a tight area, you can pick up and move the vines and dictate where they grow.   Conventional lore holds that you pick off the first young pumpkin that sets and begins to grow.  This will encourage the plant to redouble its efforts and increase the energy that gets put into flower production.  If you are trying to grow the largest pumpkin that you can, allow two or three flowers to set fruit, inspect and choose the strongest appearing one and then pick off every other one that starts to grow.  This will cause the plant to direct all of its energies into the chosen one and lead to a bigger fruit.  If instead, you want to maximize your harvest in terms of number of pumpkins produced, just let the plant grow on its own, depending on variety, each vine can produce between 3-6 fruits a piece.  In the late summer to early fall, the vine will begin to wither and the leaves will fall prey to powdery mildew, yellow and die.  Do not worry, this is just the natural progression of things.  The pumpkins will continue to ripen and turn orange as the plant around them dies.

When to grow peppers

Peppers are grown when the weather is at its warmest.  Some of the smaller fruiting varieties like jalapenos and serranos need less heat and can be planted as early as mid-March.  The majority of peppers, including bells and stuffers, need more heat and grow best when planted between mid-April mid-September. Peppers can be planted either by themselves or in rows or groups with other peppers.   Before transplanting, loosen the soil in and 12-18’ circle and incorporate two heaping handfuls of compost and two cups each of landscape mix and worm castings.  Water deeply and infrequently, allowing the top two inches of soil to dry out between waterings.  Harvest peppers as they ripen, this will encourage the plants to continue producing fruits.

Getting an optimum yield from your peas

Peas are a great sweet treat from the garden and grow the best when the weather is cool.  The best months for transplanting peas into your garden are late-August through late-March.  For optimum yields, all peas should be given a supporting structure to climb up on.  Peas want to be planted in a bright sunny location, however, if you are planting peas late in the recommended window, allow for some shade from the mid-day sun, this will extend their harvest and keep the peas sweet.  Before transplanting, prepare your garden soil by adding compost, landscape mix and worm castings.  If planting peas in a row, add in two handfuls of compost, and one each of landscape mix and compost for every two feet of row.

Tips for growing melons

Melon These are some of the most heat loving plants that there are.  Choose a full sun location, and prepare your soil for transplanting by loosening the soil in a 24” circle and mixing in one bucketful of compost, 6 cups of landscape mix and 6 cups of worm castings.  Plant melons in groups, or hills, that have between 2-4 plants in them. After the initial feeding, no more fertilizing will be necessary for your melons.  Watering should be done deeply and slowly and the top two inches of soil should be allowed to dry out between waterings.  Melons are ready to harvest when they fall off of the vines with only a slight tug.  The best months to transplant melons into your garden are late-April through mid-August.

Growing lettuce and greens

Lettuce and Greens These semi-delicate plants need to be given partial shade during the summer months and given full sun in the cooler winter months.  These are tender plants that can be tucked in and amongst other taller plants, or put out in rows with each other.  When transplanting an individual lettuce, add one-half handful of both landscape mix and worm castings to each hole.  You can prolong the harvest period of your greens by picking the older, outer leaves of each plant first, and working your way in.

Tips for planting leeks

Onion/Leek transplants are a really easy way for you to grow onions in your garden.   You can break apart the individual cells of the 6 packs and plant out the onion seedlings six inches apart in a richly composted soil.  Prepare the bed with an inch of horse manure, and enough landscape mix and worm castings to completely color the ground, first green, and then black.  Use any finger to poke a hole into the ground and then plant an onion into that hole.  Usually onions take up to half a year to mature, however, you can harvest the developing bulbs at any time, prior to maturity and you will still get that great onion flavor but just not have the size that really matters.  As you plant each onion seedling, add a fistful of landscape mix and worm castings to the soil.

Growing kale

Kale is a leafy green vegetable that contains a high level of minerals in its rich, juicy leaves.  While able to grow all year long, kale is best suited to the cooler months of the year when its leaves taste sweeter and are more succulent.  Transplant each seedling into a hole that has been amended with at least 3 cups of compost, one cup of landscape mix and one cup of worm castings.  Pick the leaves from the bottom, up and you will have a prolonged harvest.  Kales will typically produce new leaves for one year and then they will put their energy into blooming, at which point they can be removed from the garden.

Growing eggplants

Eggplants are a real heat lover, and grow best when transplanted between mid-April and the end of August.  Eggplants usually hit their peak of production later in the growing season, between August and October, when the daytime temps are at their hottest and before the nights get too cold.  When preparing your garden bed for eggplants, loosen the soil in an 18” wide circle and add 6 cups of compost, two cups of landscape mix and two cups of worm castings to each hole and thoroughly incorporate.   Eggplants will want to be kept on the dry side and can be watered deeply, once a week.  This means 30-40 minutes with a slow trickle, coming from a hose. Give each plant 18-24 inches of space.

Growing cucumbers

Cucumbers can be transplanted into your garden between April 1 and August 15.  They would like to be planted into a richly composted soil and given three cups of both our Landscape Mix fertilizer and of worm castings.  Cucumbers will be happier and will produce more harvestable fruit if they are trellised or somehow are kept off of the ground.  Anything from a chain-link fence, to a wooden pole, to a tomato cage can be used to prop up your cucumbers.  Water deeply, every five days during the summer and allow the soil to dry out between waterings.

Growing collards

Collards are an under-rated green, that are high in vitamins and minerals, but are low in flavor.  The large, paddle-shaped leaves, can be harvested over an extended period when they are picked from the bottom up, as they mature. Plants can grow up to three feet tall, and will produce new leaves for several years before they go into their bloom mode.  The flavor of the leaves is sweeter when the weather is colder, frost actually enhances the flavor.  When transplanting, add two handfuls of compost, one handful of landscape mix and one of worm castings to the hole.  Yield is greater when each plant is given 18- 24” of space.

Growing chard

Chard is a nutritious leafy green that is best, meaning sweetest, when grown during the cool months of the year.  Typically, chard is planted into the garden between September and April, however, in our mild coastal climate, chard really does well during any month of the year.  When transplanting chard into your garden, add 3 handfuls of compost and one handful each of landscape mix and worm castings into the immediate area that you are placing the plant.  The harvest of your chard can be maximized by continuously taking the outer leaves of the plant as they mature.  Individual plants will produce harvestable leaves for about one year before they decide that it is time to bolt, at which time their leaves will turn bitter and the plant will put its energy into flowering.  Chard leaves that get left on the plant for too , and don’t look so good to eat, make a great soil mulch, when they are laid down flat on the ground that surrounds the plant.

Growing celery

Celery is thought to be tricky to grow because it can be temperamental when being transplanted.  When transplanting, the seedlings should be at least 3” tall and should look sturdy.  Locate the young plants in a part of your garden that receives partial shade throughout the year with slightly more during the summer months if possible.  Celery can be grown in the full sun, but it is sweeter if partially shaded.  Feed each plant with two handfuls each of our Landscape Mix and worm castings.   Harvest the older, outer stems as you go, this will encourage the plant to keep producing new shoots and will allow for a larger harvest over the season.

Who is in the Brassica Family?

Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, and Cauliflower are all in the brassica family and as such have similar growing requirements and needs.  Typically planted into your garden between mid-August and early May.  Each of these varieties wants to be planted into a rich garden bed and have full access to the sun.  Before transplanting, prepare the soil, by digging and loosening the soil 8-10 inches deep and 12-18 inches in diameter.  Add to this zone, 6 cups of finished compost, 3 cups of Landscape Mix and 3 cups of worm castings.  Thoroughly incorporate the ingredients and then transplant the seedling.   For optimum growth, allow two feet of space per plant.   These plants want are continually growing and expanding and as such, need adequate moisture.  Water slowly and deeply once every 5-7 days during the growing season.  It is possible that you will not need to water during the winter months if we are having a cool, wet winter.

Tips for growing beans

Beans are best when grown during the warmer parts of the year.  Bush beans can be direct seeded into your garden from mid-March through mid-September.  Pole, Lima and Soy beans have a smaller planting window, usually, early-April through late-August. Fava beans are the seasonal exception and do best when planted either, mid-October thru late-November or as the spring is warming up from early-March thru April.  No matter what bean you are planting or during what season you are planting it, the fertilizing requirements are going to be the similar.  All beans seem to do best when they are planted either in a row or in a group of their peers.  They seem to feed off of and support each other, and in general perform better when with their friends.  Before transplanting, prepare the soil with compost, Landscape Mix, and worm castings.  If planting a row of seeds, use per four foot section, 3, 1,1 cups respectively of each of the above ingredients.  When planting bush beans individually, simply use a handful of each ingredient to feed your young seedling. When your beans are done producing, we recommend that you snip off the stems of the plants at soil level, so as to leave the roots in the ground, and then lay the above ground portion of the plant on the soil surface so that it can break down and feed the soil.   Beans want to be watered deeply and the soil surface should be allowed to dry out between waterings.

Tips for growing artichokes

Artichokes can be grown very successfully here in Southern California, especially in the cool climate that exists close to the coast.  Plants can grow to be 4-5 feet tall and will perennialize, coming back year after year if they are taken care of and not discovered by gophers, which love to feast on the succulent, tuberous root of the artichoke.  Artichokes will live in a dry, rocky, neglected location in your garden, but they will thrive and produce an abundant yield of edible flower buds, 4-7 per plant, if they are grown in a tended garden bed that has a rich, composted soil and receives ample amounts of water.  When you transplant an artichoke into your garden, we recommend loosening the soil 8-10 inches deep and 18 inches wide. Into this loosened area add and mix in, two double-handfuls of compost, three cups of our Landscape Mix and three cups of worm castings.  For each following year of the plants life, we say to mix in the same amount of amendment to the surrounding soil, as a way to keep the plant and the garden bed, healthy and problem free.

To protect against gophers, you can bury a gopher cage into the ground and then plant your artichoke into it.

Making the most of your potato growing experience

Potatoes are one of the most bountiful and rewarding crops that you, the home gardener, can grow.  It is possible, under the right conditions, to pull 30 times as many potatoes out of your garden, as you plant into it.  Plus, there are very few vegetables that can be as hearty, nutritious, and life sustaining as the potato.  For many indigenous peoples of the earth, the potato is, and has been their main source of starch, protein and vitamins and minerals for more than six thousand years.  So here is what to do, when you, the 21st century backyard gardener, wants to make the most of your potato growing experience.

The place to begin this project is with the preparation of your garden soil. While potatoes are adaptable to a wide range of conditions, from dry and rocky soils, to a rich, prepared garden bed, they prefer a soil that is deep, light and loose, well drained, but rich and moist.  These are aggressively rooting plants, and with a little love, can produce incredible yields.  The first step, is to deeply dig your planting area.  Then, into this zone add a good dose of compost and organic matter along with our Landscape Mix and several heaping handfuls of worm castings..  Organic matter, or humus, is important in that it lightens and aerates heavy soils, increases the moisture holding capacity of sandy soils, and also contributes an organic fertility to the soil that potatoes need to be truly healthy.   When adding humus or compost to your garden, it is preferable to use a material that has been made from vegetative matter, as opposed to a manure-based compost.  Compost should be mixed into your intended growing bed at a rate of 2.5 – 5 pounds per 10 square feet, our Landscape Mix fertilizer should be added to the soil at 1-2 pounds per 10 square feet.  A soil pH of 6 is best.

An often overlooked way to prepare your garden bed for a potato planting, is to sow a cover crop a season or two prior to putting in potatoes.  Cover crops, or green manures, greatly improve the soil’s tilth, organic matter, microbial activity, water holding capabilities, and significantly increase nutrients that are in the soil, and available for following crops.  A mix of bell beans and buckwheat will provide an easy and cost effective way to prepare the ground for fall potatoes.  When preparing your soil for a spring planting of potatoes, we recommend our Max Soil Booster blend.

Two weeks before planting your potatoes into the ground, it is advisable to do something called, “chitting” or “greening” to them.  This is a process in which you pre-sprout your tubers, thus encouraging a strong burst of new growth and leading to an earlier harvest date. Spread your seed potatoes out in a box or open-ended crate and place this container in a well-ventilated, warm (70 F) place, with medium light to bright shade.  Arrange the potatoes only one layer deep, with the seed end up.  If you closely observe your potatoes, you will see that one end was attached to its mother plant and that the other has a concentration of eyes from which the sprouts will emerge, this end is the seed end.  Typically the potatoes that we sell are small enough to be planted whole and thus do not need to be cut into pieces prior to planting.  However, if the seed potatoes weigh more than 4 ounces, it is advisable to cut them into smaller pieces, with each piece being at least 2 ounces.  Each cut piece should have at least two strong eyes.  When cutting your potatoes for planting, use a sharp knife, and then allow the cut to “heal over” for a day before planting into the ground.  Some organic gardeners place their freshly cut potatoes into a paper bag with a couple of tablespoons of powdered sulfur and shake the bag until the cut portion has a light dusting of the powder on it.  The sulfur acts as a fungicide and will help to reduce the risk of infection from fungus and bacteria.

Now that you have prepared both your soil, and your seed potatoes for planting, it is finally time to get down to putting them into the ground.  Optimally, potatoes are planted into soil that is between 55 and 70 deg F.  Be wary of cold, water logged soil, as the tubers can have a tendency to rot before they have a chance to sprout.  Here in Southern California, our best windows for planting are mid-September through November, and then again from mid-February through April.  For the home gardener, space can often be a limiting factor and as a result, the planting methods that are described below (hilling, caging and mulching), are often modified, combined and adapted, to fit each individual garden.

The method most commonly used is, hilling.  To begin, the gardener digs narrow trenches that are 6-10 inches deep and 24 to 48 inches apart. Into these trenches, the seed potatoes are placed 10-14 inches apart. The farther apart you plant the individual potatoes, in terms of both distance between trenches and then spacing within the trenches, the larger the resulting size of the tubers and the greater the bounty will be.  Once you have placed the seed potatoes into the trenches, rake a 3-4 inch layer of soil over the potatoes, be careful, and do not fill the trench completely. In about two weeks the potatoes will begin to poke their shoots through the surface of the soil.  When the plants have grown 8 inches tall, gently rake more soil from the sides of the trenches up and around the growing stems, leaving the top 4 inches exposed.  Then every week or two go out and rake another inch or two of soil and/or compost around the potatoes.  This process of continually burying a little more of the plant has several benefits.  First, you are always covering up and disturbing weeds as they germinate, thus reducing competition for space, nutrients and water.  Also, hilling puts the root system deeper, where the soil is cooler, and the freshly raked-up soil creates a light fluffy medium for the growing tubers to develop in.  All of the tubers that a potato plant will produce grow between the level of the original seed potato, and the surface of the soil.  In other words, new potatoes will not grow below the seed potato and by adding more soil and burying the seed deeper and deeper, over time you will increase the available growing area for your potatoes and will also increase your yields.  When raking new soil up onto your plants, be careful not to leave any of the growing potatoes exposed to light or they will turn green.

For gardeners who think that they don’t have enough room, or who are waging an ongoing battle with gophers, we suggest the caging method.  This consists of taking a section of wire mesh, making it into a hoop and then standing this hoop up in your garden where you are going to grow your potato crop. You can also use a bottomless wooden box, or a barrel.  If you have a gopher problem, dig down several inches under where your container will be, and bury some wire mesh in the ground.  If the spaces in the mesh are smaller than 1/2 inch in diameter, you will effectively exclude any gophers.  Plant your seed potatoes into the ground inside of your cage, spacing the individual seed potatoes 10 inches apart and burying them 2-4 inches deep into the soil.  When the shoots have grown up to about 8 inches tall, you can go ahead and bury them half way with a layer of soil, compost or loose mulch.  Then every 7-10 days bury the developing stems with another 1-2 inches of material.  Continue to go out and cover your growing plants until you reach the top of your cage, you run out of usable compost, or until the plants stop growing taller.   In the past, I have grown potatoes next to my compost pile and have had an easy-to-reach source of rich, fluffy organic matter that I could throw into my potato cage for the express purpose of burying my growing potato plants.  Using this method, it is possible to grow a large amount of potatoes in a relatively small amount of space.

Another suggested method for growing potatoes is mulching.   We recommend this method of growing potatoes if your soil is shallow, rocky or contains so much clay that the forming tubers can’t push it aside as they try to swell up.  Start by preparing your seed bed as deeply as possible and then mixing a good amount of compost, fertilizer and worm castings into the garden bed to add fertility to the soil.  When planting the seed pieces into their bed,  simply press them into the top few inches of     soil, leaving them exposed if need be.  Next, loosely shake mulch over the bed, burying the seed potatoes 6-10 inches deep.   For best results, use a seed-free, grain straw as your mulch.  You can also use leaves and well dried grass clippings.  As the plants grow, continue to add more loose mulch as though you were hilling up the plants.  Be sure to keep the tubers covered at all times.  The result is excellent weed control, a continuous supply of moisture and reduced stress from heat.  At harvest time, pull back the mulch.  Your nest of potatoes should be clean, uniform and easy to gather.

While growing potatoes, we advise that you keep your garden bed on the dry side, moist but not wet.  If growing during the winter months, it is conceivable that you will never have to water your potatoes during their growing cycle.  This will lead to a tastier, more nutrient rich tuber that will have a thick skin, and be better suited for storing. If we are experiencing a dry year and you have to water your potato bed, do so every other week or when the above-ground portion of the plants begin to look tired, and wilt.   Because of the nature of the caging method and its increased amount of surface area, it may become necessary to sprinkle water into the growing cylinder even during moderately wet seasons.  If you are ambitious enough, we recommend foliarly feeding your growing vines by spraying a mixture of fish emulsion and liquid kelp onto the leaves every 2-3 weeks.   Start this regimen when the seed sprouts first emerge, and continue applying until flowering begins.

At the end of their growing season, the potato vines will begin to turn brown and will start to die back.  At this point you should stop watering your plants and allow their section of the garden bed to dry out.    Let the vines die back completely into the ground, and then wait for two more weeks before you dig out your new potato crop.  Waiting will make for an easier harvest, and give the tubers a chance to toughen their skins up, which will in turn increase their storage life.  If you have used the hilling method, take a digging fork and gently loosen the soil from outside the hills and expose the tubers.  By getting down on your hands and knees and actually digging through the dirt you will be able to find more of the smaller, less developed tubers and probably be able to gather a few meals worth of tiny quarter-sized potatoes.  To harvest when using the caging method, simply uncoil and remove the wire mesh, or just lift up and remove the wooden crate or barrel and allow the contents to spill over.  Then just dig through the resulting pile with your hands and collect all of the potatoes as you find them.  Harvesting your potatoes after having grown them with the mulching method is as simple as carefully removing the mulch layer of straw, leaves or clippings, and exposing the tubers.

After the tubers have been harvested it is best to spread them out in a shaded area and allow them to dry out for a day or so.  Then sort through and grade all of the potatoes.   Those that are solid and blemish free can be put into some sort of breathable bag, a slotted crate or a basket, and kept in a cool location with enough humidity so that the potatoes will not dry out.  An underground root cellar would be ideal.  Those potatoes that may have been soft, bruised, or had their skin broken during harvesting should be eaten as soon as possible, before they have a chance to rot.   Light and/or warmth will promote sprouting, as well as turn the potatoes green, and also lead to a decreased storage time.

Epicure 65+ days- This is an early season potato that has a thin white skin with deep eyes and creamy white flesh.   Although the shape of this variety tends to be distorted and irregular, the delicious flavor more than makes up for this irregularity.   Cook by boiling them and then rolling in a buttery herb sauce.   Will recover and still produce well even if burned a frost.

Red Lasoda 80+ days-  A Mid-season variety that has a smooth red skin, deep eyes, and white flesh. Over the years, Red Lasoda has been developed with the Southern gardener in mind, and as a result, produces abundantly here in our climate.  Perfect for boiling and making into potato salads.  Will tolerate high temperatures, but is susceptible to disease.

Yellow Finn 90+ days-  An extra-late potato that has an unusual flattened-oval shape to it.  The buttery, waxy yellow flesh tastes good and is suitable to be boiled, baked, fried or put into soups.  Its great flavor and wide adaptability to cooking, makes Yellow Finn one the most popular potatoes for home gardeners and market growers.  While not ideally suited for growing in Southern California, this variety will still perform well here.

Yukon Gold 65+ days- These are round, slightly flat yellow tubers.  Under thin skins, the flesh is firm and yellow with a slight pink tint to it.  Yukon Gold potatoes are great for baking, boiling and making into fries. They are not good when mashed. Think spackling.

Cal Red 65+ days- This is an early season potato that grows a small, round to oblong tuber with shallow eyes and creamy white flesh.  It is a heavy yielder, producing a large number of small potatoes.

Kennebec 80+ days- An oblong potato with smooth pale yellow skin, shallow eyes, and white flesh that can be used for fries, hash browns and pan frying, even with the skin left on.   Kennebec is one of the best keepers and is resistant to blight and mosaic, late blight and net necrosis.  This plant tends to sunburn easily, so grow it in a location that has some shade protection during the hottest part of the day.

Tips for growing onions


Shallots, a member of the Allium (onion) family, have an interesting, delicate flavor that has long be prized by gourmands and chefs from Here, to Oxnard, and back.  In our temperate coastal zone, shallots, along with other members of their family, are planted in the cooler months, typically late-September through Mid- March.  Shallots can adapt and grow in a range of soil conditions, yet they will produce most abundantly if grown in a well-fertilized, well-drained and moist soil. A waterlogged soil will make the bulbs rot or contribute to poor growth.  Infertile soil will lead to small bulb production.   Plant the individual bulblets with the root side down and the tops about 1” below the surface of the soil.  Plant 6-10” apart.  The more garden space that is given to each plant, the larger each resulting shallot cluster will be.  Planting too deep grows elongated bulbs that do not store well.  To grow really big bulbs, side dress the growing plants with an animal manure, a rich compost or other organic fertilizer, such as our landscape mix.

When the plants have reached their mature height of 16-20” tall, they will begin to redirect their energy into bulb formation.  At this time, peel back the soil so that the tops of the forming bulbs are exposed and stop watering your shallots, as they will mature best in a dry soil that hardens them off and contributes to the formation of tough, protective skins.  The time to harvest is when most of the tops have browned off and fallen over.  Loosen the surrounding soil with a digging fork, or very carefully with a shovel, and then gently lift the new bulbs from the soil. The skins will have not have completely developed, so it is important to be careful and avoid bruising them.   The bulbs, with their tops still attached, should be dried out in an open, well-ventilated space, for 2-3 weeks, or until the tops have completely dried.  Then you can cut the tops off with a pair of sharp shears one inch above the bulb and store for kitchen use.

If you are planning on saving any of your homegrown shallots for planting next fall, they should be spread out of a wire rack in a cool place until you are ready to plant them in the fall.  After growing and saving your own shallots for several years, you will have developed a unique strain that has adapted to your specific garden and growing style and will be developing large and more prolific shallot plants with each passing year.

Dutch Yellow- Round bulbs, with durable copper-red skins and creamy yellow flesh.  Uniform in size, this shallot is an excellent keeper. It is tender and spicy, with a pungent raw flavor that mellows and sweetens, but still retains its character when cooked.  High yielding.

Holland Red- Like the proverbial Dutchman, they’re round and fat, short and flat.  A coppery red outer skin peels easily to reveal a reddish-purple flesh.  Excellent flavor, great in sauces.  This variety can produce tenfold.


Onion sets offer the home gardener the easiest and quickest way to grow onions on their own. When planting onions from sets you can expect to grow large scallions, up to one inch in diameter, that can be harvested as soon as 60 days after planting.  These scallions will have a solid, fleshy shank, 6-8” long, and an additional 12-15” of usable greens.  This makes for an excellent salad onion, as well as one that holds up great when cooked on the grill.

Sets should be planted in a well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter and/or compost.  Typically, I plant the bulblets 1” deep into the soil, and then lightly cover with 1-2” of mulch to keep the soil evenly moist while the onions are growing. After planting, keep the soil around your onions well weeded, and watered.  Onions do not like competition from weeds and will greatly benefit from a well-cultivated bed.  By continuously planting new sets throughout the season, you can lock in an extended harvest period. When planting onion sets, you should choose a sunny location in which to grow them.

Red Wethersfield- Grows a slightly bulbed shank with very thin, reddish-purple colored skin.  The white flesh is very firm and tinged with pink to purple highlights.  A fine strong flavor, from a vigorous grower.

White Ebenezer- This is a medium sized onion that has thin, translucent white skins that are hardly noticeable, so there is less waste when preparing the scallions in the kitchen.  The fine-grained flesh  makes this a variety popular for gourmet cooking.  An excellent keeper.

Yellow Rock- These are mild, sweet-flavored onions with a bronze-yellow skin, and white flesh.  A fast growing, hardy variety.