Download our guide- growing-onion-sets

Onion sets offer the home gardener the easiest and quickest way to grow onions on their own. When planting onions from sets you can expect to grow large scallions, up to one inch in diameter, that can be harvested as soon as 60 days after planting. These scallions will have a solid, fleshy shank, 6-8” long, and an additional 12-15” of usable greens. This makes for an excellent salad onion, as well as one that holds up great when cooked on the grill.

Sets should be planted in a well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter and/or compost. Typically, I plant the bulblets 1” deep into the soil, and then lightly cover with 1-2” of mulch to keep the soil evenly moist while the onions are growing. After planting, keep the soil around your onions well weeded, and watered. Onions do not like competition from weeds and will greatly benefit from a well-cultivated bed. By continuously planting new sets throughout the season, you can lock in an extended harvest period. When planting onion sets, you should choose a sunny location in which to grow them.

This fall/ winter season we are selling the follow two varieties:

Red Wethersfield Grows a slightly bulbed shank with very thin, reddish-purple colored skin. The white flesh is very firm and tinged with pink to purple highlights. A fine strong flavor, from a vigorous grower.

Yellow Rock- Bronze yellow skin, mild, and sweet. Plant them close together if you want fast growing scallions.